November 30, 2020 Re-post

After returning from my Holiday visit to San Francisco I am facing two issues. First, of course, is the super cold weather and, second, I managed to pick up a bug somewhere along the way. Right now I am thinking (hoping) chest cold but I am not in a position to go out walking in the woods. Instead I am dipping into two years of archived posts and giving you, my loyal reader, a little trip down memory lane. Enjoy. Environment:Start Time: 2:40 PM Temperature: 60 degrees Sky: Sunny, no clouds, light breeze The last day of November turned to…

November 16, 2022

Environment:Start Time: 3:30 PM Temperature: 45 degrees Sky: Sun with light breeze. Bright sunshine and less of a breeze were the order of the day. Lake Pueblo State Park was pretty quite with only the smaller birds (and not many of them) busy with their normal activities. Today’s featured image is a Rusty Blackbird ( a new bird for me) that I thought was a Starling when I made the capture but Google set me straight. I caught this picture of a male House Finch first thing and just a little later the White-breasted Nuthatch in the mini-gallery below landed…

November 15, 2022

Environment:Start Time: 3:35 PM Temperature: 37 degrees Sky: Sunny. Sightings:Birds: Mallards, Canvasback Duck, Common Goldeneyes, Gulls, Northern Flickers, Starlings, Great Blue Herons, Sparrows, Dark-eyed Juncos, Canada Geese, Great Horned Owl, American RobinsCritters: Mule Deer (Bucks and Doe), Tree Squirrel Gear: Olympus OM-D E-M1 Mark II, Lumix 100-300mm

November 10, 2022

Environment:Start Time: 3:35 PM Temperature: 53 degrees Sky: Sun with malicious breeze. Today’s tour of Lake Pueblo State Park was a mixed bag of great light, sparse bird presence and biting breezes. Mule Deer did their best to make up for the issues – they were everywhere. And my only bird capture was a lucky break and is today’s featured image. I spotted a Belted Kingfisher – on my side of the river – who was perched perfectly in the light of the setting Sun. I think the sunlight prevented it from noticing me and allowed me to get kind…

November 08, 2022

Environment:Start Time: 3:55 PM Temperature: 76 degrees Sky: Sun and increasing breeze. Back out on the trail with the Birding gear. The only thing missing was birds. There was a pretty good breeze (wind) stirring up the remaining leaves and some dirt so maybe everyone was home watching election results. I did manage to spot a Great Horned Owl just as the Sun had disappeared behind the Wet Mountains. This is, of course, today’s featured image. The only other birds with time to be photographed are seen below with a few of the last tree-born leaves in the park. Sightings:Birds:…